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bmw 320i 2005 e90 oil leak at the sump, oil around oil sensor showing.
2nd of November 2014 ... Number of Responses 1 --
i have a bmw 320i e90. It was leaking oil from the vacuum pump and oil filter housing, which I have changed the seals and those are a are dry now. Yet again I have noticed that the car is leaking at the sump, underneath the car. could this be the reason for blue smoke?
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Response Posted:3rd of November 2014
Seems like oil leaks from the bmw are pretty common. In regards to blue smoke, if oil is leaking onto the exhaust or exhaust manifold that will cause it to burn. During burning it will produce blue smoke with a distinctive smell. If the blue smoke is coming out of the tail pipe however, that suggests internal engine issues that would not have been fixed by the seal replacements already done because that would mean oil is getting into the combustion chamber suggesting something is worn out in the engine. As for the general oil leaks, check out these links to other sites where people talk about oil leak issues -
If the sump gasket is bad or the oil sensor is leaking oil, then they need replaced.
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