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Smoke coming out exhaust and losing transmission fluid
14th of June 2014 ... Number of Responses 1 --
ok im trying to figure out why my 89 gmc pick up is smoking. i changed the muffler and shortly after that my truck starts smoking so bad i cant drive it.ive tried all the different tricks on the shelves of the autoparts stories with noluck. before the muffler change there was a little smoke on start up that waS IT ITS A WHITE to blue smoke no water in oil or oil in water no loss of oil or water the transmission started going through fluid all of a sudden my motor has had a miss runs slightly rough what is my problem and what can i do to fix
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Response Posted:15th of June 2014
If your transmission has a vacuum controlled modulator on it, then it has most likely failed. This would allow transmission fluid to get sucked into the engine. Locate the modulator and see if you can see transmission fluid in your vacuum line. Replace modulator and all should be fixed.
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